Energize Your Thoughts was created with the belief that the success of individuals is often hindered by their self-defeating thoughts. Too many people doubt themselves even before they give it a try. Even more people have given up due to the lack of faith and a clear vision of what they want to do or become. However, individuals can discover what they want in life by challenging themselves, learning from setbacks and day to day adversities, and being able to act on what they have learned. E.Y.T will encourage a self-empowering mindset that increases dedication to life goals. From the speaking engagements, individuals will learn how to F.O.C.U.S (Fearless, Optimistic, Compassion, Unbeatable, and Sincere) on what they want to achieve.
Energize Your Thoughts will be used to inspire, motivate, empower and challenge youth and adults to enhance their lives through uniquely designed programs that will develop their mindset to take on everyday challenges. Obstacles will come, but with preparation it will be easier to outwit the issues faced in life. E.Y.T will help each individual to develop a winning attitude. Participants will be equipped and empowered to THINK and BEHAVE differently. The topics that will be looked at through E.Y.T will allow each individual to explore their own dreams and find their purpose. I D.A.R.E (Discipline, Action, Responsibility, Energy) You to be Somebody will be one of the key programs in making the participants aware of steps to take when working towards their goals.
Finally, Energize Your Thoughts emphasizes that the most important thing for each individual to do is to first love the person they see in the mirror every day. Loving self is where it begins! Next, you have to know that life will be a challenge, but if you want to succeed you will have to work hard. If success was easy a lot of people would have it and WOULDN'T know what to do with it. Success and happiness is not limited to one man, it’s here for all of us to enjoy. DO YOU WANT TO ENJOY SOME OF IT? Sometimes in life as individuals we have to tell ourselves that WE ARE CAPABLE!