PURposeTo inspire, educate, challenge, motivate and empower the young minds of the future. The information that they will receive through e.y.t will enhance their vision to see beyond their limitations.
They will realize that the only time they don’t accomplish anything is when they believe they can’t. Through the different lessons individuals will developed leadership skills, expand on their knowledge, become more consciously aware of their abilities and capabilities, teach them that road blocks can be temporary and that they are only there for learning purposes. Individual will be more self-conscious of possibilities and by them knowing it will help them to be more prepared to overcome life challenges and adversities. |
missionTo help others see their potential and empower them to go beyond their limitations to achieve their dreams.
visionTo see others become more aware of their abilities and to realize that they are powerful beyond measures. It is also, for each person to see that they too can live a more productive and purposeful life as they embark on their consciousness of being more.